Saturday, January 10, 2015

snowshoe saturday

saturday.  there is lots of snow!  we got over 2 feet in our driveway this week.  that means some epic snow up higher.  time to check it our from the decks of snowshoes.  kris, mary and i took off in truck 3 and made a bee-line for a little lake up in the hills.

making our way across the lake.

we got off to some mis-adventures our first attempt to reach the lake.  we retreated to the truck and hit the reset button and tried a new approach.  15 minutes later we were on the lake.  lesson learned.
1st tracks this year.

kris chilling by the lake.

the lake was very quiet and very white.  we got a fire going, but forgot the smokies back at the truck.  we messed around for a couple of hours then went to the meat.

lakeside fire.  going.
the stuff.

its all good.
suiting up for the hike back
kris and i out.

easier on pre-made trail for sure.
the trail to and from the lake was not without peril.  some logs necessitated crawling and jumping.

mary jumping before crawling 5 feet later.

and crawling.
we got back to the truck, grabbed the chainsaw and meat and got fire number 2 going.  we proceeded to have a time.  oh yes.  a time was had.  great dry firewood, custom snow chairs and meat.

we packed up and had an easy drive down.  the lake was cool, the fires were hot and the times were good.  can;'t wait to do it again.  tomorrow.

p.s. the best pictures are probably mary's.  thanks.

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