Sunday, March 11, 2012

mine all mine. and snow hiking

Where can we go to test out the newly repaired truck? should be a place considering of adventure and a place where 4wd was necessary. also a place to take tom and julie where they had never been. i know julie from a secret government training centre that focused on riding borrowed bikes off cliffs while talking on cell phones.

it was decided (by me) that i would take them to blue grouse mine, last visited in the autumn by patrick and i. So off we went. she in her truck, tom and i in mine. until we got stuck. the chainsaw took care of the log julie was pinned against, but walking seemed better than driving up an unpacked dirtbike trail in 2 feet of sloppy snow. so up we started walking. and walking. sometimes i thought we were lost, but only once were we actually.

solid view on the way up

the end of the road for the trucks. notice the log in the bottom left. it used to be longer, and under julie's truck

inside the mine

me and a red eyed cave monster... i mean julie

random growth on the top of the mine roof. smelled good. tasted bad.

tom the cave pirate

after the mine, julie had to take off, so tom and i went up to bear lake to have a fire and cook some farmer sausage. there was way too much snow. so we just cruised around

bear lake

tom peed on the way down. so did i.

so the truck is back in action, even if only until it breaks again. keep watching for more adventure time with ryan.



  1. Fine. I'll post on the blog of awesome adventures. Ive tried previously, but bookface is just that much easier. I go pee now.

  2. shotgun saturday, if your out? i have 3 shovels. ian

  3. some beautiful photos. Looks like fun!! You should take a trip out this way, you'd find plenty of opportunities to use your 4wheeldrive out in our neck of the woods. :-)
