Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mable Lake with the chantille and darin show

So darin and his girlfriend (whom i've never met) came to kelowna for a few days. Part of the awesomeness of bc included a camping trip to mable lake. It was a few days after after may long weekend and when we got the the camp spot it was a freakin' mess. there were bears eating garbage that was left behind. the only consolidation was that i found a camera under a pile of garbage. i didn't have a camera, so it was a welcome find. the pictures here are chantille's, because usually cameras found in piles of garbage after rainstorms need a bit of love before they work. this one was no exception.

The first stop was actually freddy's brew pub, where we got to large bottles of beer. very large.

after setting up camp and cleaning up 4 or 5 bags of other people's garbage we got to cooking and drinking. ribs and corn. mmmmmm.

We explored around and had a great evening. we passed out in our tents and i was in the middle of a great dream when i woke up to darin tripping over my tent in the middle of the night. as anyone who has fallen asleep after drinking and then been woken up prematuraly will tell you, a pee is usually waiting for you after an unexpected mid-sleep wake up. i stumbled out of my tent, cursing darin for waking me, and peed. thats when i noticed that darin was snoring away in his tent. the bear tracks all around my tent in the morning confirmed that it was not in fact darin that fell on me at night, but a 4 legged version weighing about the same but not quite as hairy.

After a chill morning of more exploring and being thankful i wasn't a bear snack, we headed back to kelowna.

some falls we explored to

another very successful trip, even if we did all almost get eaten. the moral of the story... clean up your garbage you lazy bastards.

a bug we hit.

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