Sunday, April 28, 2013

sunday ice recon at beaver lake

is the ice off at beaver lake? can we fish there yet? can we canoe? can we even drive in to the site? inquiring minds wanted to know. so mike and i went to find out on sunday evening.

but the most pressing question is...  can i use a golf ball on my clutch cylinder since the original became a mushy chunk of rubber?  Well... yes you can.

my new clutch cylinder lid. 
one the clutch was sorted out, it was time to answer the other questions.

the road into beaver lake site
The road in was a little snowy.  nothing major.  so in we went.

the ice.  still there.
The ice is still there.  about 15 feet of clear water along the shore.  pretty much the same schedule as last year.  i checked last years blog posts, and maybe we are a little ahead this year.  a little.

truck and fire shot
had a fire, shot some guns.  good times.
found a MIA soldier from last time
Mike also had a ping pong ball full of gunpowder. we used it to thin the troops a bit.

I think a camping trip is in order. next weekend we are gonna set up some tents here and try some very early season fishing. might bring the canoe. you should come.


  1. Looks like a great lake to kayak on. Guess there will be still ice on it May Long Weekend.

  2. I'm guessing that you guys must be fans of the "Battle Boy" sketches from "Fridays"?
