Saturday, December 29, 2012

getting stuck for the last time in 2012

With only 3 days left in 2012, there wasn't much time left to get stuck. Saturday, we decided to give it a try. Ian, mike and I headed up to beaver lake for some ice fishing, and i figured it would just be best to get stuck right away and get it over with.

last stuck of 2012.  ian was not surprised.
After getting the truck out, we had to find a way to get all our stuff, including firewood, from the road to the lake.  its a road in summer, but a trail in winter.  While we deciding how to get 60 pounds of firewood and everything else to the lake, a dood showed up on a snowmobile.  a trade was made.  2 beers for the transportation of the firewood.  he turned out to be a cool guy that we hung out with on and off throughout the day.

we were fishing in the rich neighbour hood apparently.
There were a few other people out fishing on the lake.  we didn't feel bad when we found out we weren't the only ones not catching any fish.

some new friends of ours having a good time in the rec site

mike checking for fish.  no dice.
We drilled 3 holes and made ourselves comfy.  not as comfy as if we would have brought chairs.  they are on the list of things to bring next weekend.
our spot.  no big tents here.  just holes and firewood.

the frosty shore of beaver lake.

didn't realize there was a rally going on in the area.

chilling with our new friends.
We took dood's snowmobile out for a spin.  drank some beer, and pretty much did everything but catch fish.  that doesn't really bother us.  we'll be out again next weekend.  you should come.

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